Today is Thursday, January 30, 2025. The hijri date in China is Rajab 30, 1446 AH according to the Islamic calendar. China can have different dates from other countries at the same time, as China and some countries are in time zones that are ahead or behind other countries.
Hijri date: | Rajab 30, 1446 AH |
Short Hijri Date: | 30/7/1446 |
Day: | Thursday |
Gregorian date: | Thursday, January 30, 2025 |
Local Gregorian | 2025年1月30日星期四 | Current timezone | Asia/Urumqi |
Assyrian date: | 30 Kanoon Treyana 2025 |
Short Gregorian Date: | 1/30/25 |
Is it leap year: | 2025 It's not leap year |
Julian date: | 2460706 (Julian) |
Solar date: | 10 Dalvæ (Aquarius) 1403 |
Short Solar Date: | 10/5/1403 |
Day | Local day | Hijri date | Gregorian date | Local Gregorian |
Thursday | 星期四 | Rajab 30, 1446 | January 30, 2025 | 2025年1月30日 |
Friday | 星期五 | Shaaban 1, 1446 | January 31, 2025 | 2025年1月31日 |
Saturday | 星期六 | Shaaban 2, 1446 | February 1, 2025 | 2025年2月1日 |
Sunday | 星期日 | Shaaban 3, 1446 | February 2, 2025 | 2025年2月2日 |
Monday | 星期一 | Shaaban 4, 1446 | February 3, 2025 | 2025年2月3日 |
Tuesday | 星期二 | Shaaban 5, 1446 | February 4, 2025 | 2025年2月4日 |
Wednesday | 星期三 | Shaaban 6, 1446 | February 5, 2025 | 2025年2月5日 |
# | English Name | Local Name |
1 | Muharram | 穆哈兰姆月 |
2 | Safar | 色法尔月 |
3 | Rabi I | 赖比尔·敖外鲁月 |
4 | Rabi II | 赖比尔·阿色尼月 |
5 | Jumada I | 主马达·敖外鲁月 |
6 | Jumada II | 主马达·阿色尼月 |
7 | Rajab | 赖哲卜月 |
8 | Shaaban | 舍爾邦月 |
9 | Ramadan | 賴買丹月 |
10 | Shawwal | 閃瓦魯月 |
11 | Dhu al-Qidah | 都尔喀尔德月 |
12 | Dhu al-Hijjah | 都爾黑哲月 |
In fact, the date can be different between countries at the same time. This can happen when a country is in a time zone that is ahead or behind other countries.
This difference in time is due to the fact that the earth is divided into 24 time zones, and each time zone is offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by a certain number of hours. The time in each time zone is determined by the longitude of that location, with time zones to the east of the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) being ahead of UTC and time zones to the west being behind UTC.
So, while it may be a specific date and time in one location, it could be a different date and time in another location due to the difference in time zones.