In order to convert a date to Hijri, Arabic, solar or Gregorian, you will first need to select the type of date you would like to convert from. Next, you will need to select the date and then click on the convert button. You can find the conversion results at the bottom of the page.
Date converter
Gregorian date:
Friday, January 24, 2025
Gregorian date, Number:
Hijri date:
Rajab 24, 1446 AH
Hijri date, Number:
Solar date:
4 Dalvæ (Aquarius) 1403
Solar date, Number:
Is it leap year:
2025 It's not leap year
Julian date:
2460700 (Julian)
A Hijri date converter can be used to convert dates between the Gregorian calendar and the Hijri calendar. In order to use the Hijri date converter, follow these steps:
Select the type of conversion you want to perform. chose one of the avaliable options to convert from Gregorian to Hijri or from Hijri to Gregorian or from the Solar calendar.
Enter the date you want to convert. This can be done using the drop-down menus or text fields provided by the converter.
Click the "Convert" button to initiate the conversion.
The Hijri date converter will calculate the equivalent date in the other calendar and display the result.
If you want to convert additional dates, simply repeat the process by entering a new date and clicking the "convert" button.