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Hijri date in Japan

Jumada II 21, 1446 AH

The hijri date today in Japan

Today is Saturday, December 21, 2024. The hijri date in Japan is Jumada II 21, 1446 AH according to the Islamic calendar. Japan can have different dates from other countries at the same time, as Japan and some countries are in time zones that are ahead or behind other countries.

Hijri date:Jumada II 21, 1446 AH
Short Hijri Date:21/6/1446
Gregorian date:Saturday, December 21, 2024
Local Gregorian2024年12月22日日曜日
Current timezoneAsia/Tokyo
Assyrian date:22 Kanoon Qamaya 2024
Short Gregorian Date:12/21/24
Is it leap year:2024 It's leap year
Julian date:2460667 (Julian)
Solar date:1 Jadi (Capricorn) 1403
Short Solar Date:1/4/1403

Hijri date in the next days

DayLocal dayHijri dateGregorian dateLocal Gregorian
Saturday日曜日Jumada II 20, 1446December 21, 20242024年12月22日
Sunday月曜日Jumada II 21, 1446December 22, 20242024年12月23日
Monday火曜日Jumada II 22, 1446December 23, 20242024年12月24日
Tuesday水曜日Jumada II 23, 1446December 24, 20242024年12月25日
Wednesday木曜日Jumada II 24, 1446December 25, 20242024年12月26日
Thursday金曜日Jumada II 25, 1446December 26, 20242024年12月27日
Friday土曜日Jumada II 26, 1446December 27, 20242024年12月28日

The names of Hijri months in Japan's local language

#English NameLocal Name
3Rabi Iラビーウ・アル=アウワル
4Rabi IIラビーウ・アル=サーニー
5Jumada Iジュマーダー・アル=ウーラー
6Jumada IIジュマーダー・アル=サーニー
11Dhu al-Qidahズー・アル=カーイダ
12Dhu al-Hijjahズー・アル=ヒッジャ

The difference in dates between countries

In fact, the date can be different between countries at the same time. This can happen when a country is in a time zone that is ahead or behind other countries.

This difference in time is due to the fact that the earth is divided into 24 time zones, and each time zone is offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by a certain number of hours. The time in each time zone is determined by the longitude of that location, with time zones to the east of the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) being ahead of UTC and time zones to the west being behind UTC.

So, while it may be a specific date and time in one location, it could be a different date and time in another location due to the difference in time zones.